Thermography can save you money on your electric bills.

Log home benifits from thermal imagePress Release
For Immediate Release
July 19, 2009
New Energy Thermal Diagnostics – You have just received you electricity bill and it has rocked your monthly budget totally. Now, you start searching for ways to cut back on the bill, making drastic lifestyle changes and investing in costly energy-saving appliances. Hold on! Before you advance any further on either of the two decisions, sit back and have a look at some low-cost and minimal effort tips for reducing electricity bill.  Using Infrared thermography by New Energy Thermal Diagnostics can pinpoint the exact spots in your home or building where you are losing efficiency.  Infrared Thermography can detect if an appliance is drawing excess amperage or if you are missing insulation in your walls or ceilings. 
How Infrared Thermography Works
Thermography enables us to see and measure heat. All materials on earth emit heat energy, in the infrared portion of the spectrum. Unfortunately, the unaided human eye cannot see in the infrared. Infrared images allow the camera user to see temperature anomalies that identify potential problems in buildings and their component electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and waterproofing systems.
Ways to use Thermography save on your electric bill!
Infrared cameras are being used in a variety of ways to detect problem areas in residential and commercial buildings to save money on electric bills.  By identifying the specific areas, time and materials used can be done quickly and efficiently. 
To find out more on how to save money on your electric bill visit or call 321-626-8015

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